
waiting who?????

Hai assalamualaikum para homo-sapiens sekalian,   today my langguage will be rojak sikit. sorry......   last few days.kak long ade baca satu post kat telegram.When i go through the post it gives an impact  to me. Sebenarnya lah kak long ade follow satu  channel ni kat telegram.It sound like this. TUNGGU SIAPA???????         Sekejam-kejam kelakuan adalah dengan menyuruh seseorang menyukai kau, untuk tunggu kau , dan akhirnya selepas dia dah penat tunggu kau, kau dengan orang lain......       Ya kita memang harus pilih yang terbaik, tapi apa yang kau buat tu telah memberikan impak dan merosakkan impian indah seseorang. Yang kau tak tahu, menuggu itu sakit dan ianya menyeksa. Dia ( menunggu) akan buat kau mengharap walau hati kata, ''Dia takkan tunaikan,tolong jangan  dungu''     Buat penyuruh tunggu:Jangan berjanji ketika sedang bahagia.Janji itu melahirkan harapan dan harapan itu jika t...

human are always a traveller

assaalamualaikum,,,,,,,,  apa khabar semua,,                               today i want to share about my story,  kak long have a story about a human in this world, she just a person who are meaning full to me.It's about my ibu.              She told that dia pergi Cameron Highland and she teruja about that,she eager and google in my thing about that  places.She become like that because she never been that before,she just a typical house wife.Woke up in the morning and same things every day.(house chores).She used to work before but after marriage she resign.So as for the trip,she very excited about that.    Two days later, ibu was back from the trip.She very excited to told whole story about the trip.She said that she amazed with the scenery at the tea farm,strawberry land,fresh vegetable at the hill and also flower park.When ibu saw that ,she felt...

introduction of myself and the homo-sapiens

                              assalamualaikum,,,,,,,                                to all my readers ,                                                            first of all let introduce  myself,                                          for  first the time being,                                                                      ...
                                                                               Hello,                                Assalamualaikaum,                                Ni hao,                             ...